
A   |  B   |  C   |  D   |  E   |  F   |  G   |  H   |  I   |  K   |  L
M   |  N   |  O   |  P   |  Q   |  R   |  S   |  T   |  V   |  W   |  Z

Glossary terms for 'L'

Level of statistical significanceSee alpha.
Likelihood ratioA term used to describe the quantitative effects of a medical test result on the likelihood that a patient has the disease being tested for. It is defined as the likelihood of that test result in a patient with the disease divided by the likelihood of that result in a patient without the disease (the mnemonic is WOWO: with over without). For example, the likelihood ratio for the characteristic symptoms of typical angina (exertional substernal pressure) is about 50 for the diagnosis of coronary artery disease.
Likert scaleA set of answers (usually 5) to a question that provide a similarly spaced range of choices. For example, the potential answers to the question “How likely are you to return to this emergency room for care?” were as follows: Very likely, Somewhat Likely, Neither likely nor unlikely, Somewhat unlikely, Very unlikely.
Logistic regression modelA statistical technique used to estimate the effects of one or more predictor variables on a dichotomous outcome variable, adjusting for the effects of other predictor and confounding variables. For example, in a logistic regression model, men were about twice as likely as women, and blacks about three times as likely as whites, to develop strokes, adjusting for age, blood pressure, and diabetes.

Glossary material from Hulley SB et al. Designing Clinical Research, 4th ed. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2013.